Tuesday 29 December 2015

Changu Narayan, Bhaktapur


Changu narayan temple itself is in the top of the valley Changu. This temple is one of the oldest and one of the world heritage site.

Mandev was a very powerful, good administrator and a brave man. He crushed his rebellous loords.
 From koshi in the east across the kaligandaki in the west and Himalayas in the north was extended by his territory

 Nepal developed in trade and industry. He was a devotee of Vishnu but he also respect Buddhism. He made severals temple, vihars and chaityas in his life. He built the temple of Changu Narayan in Bhaktapur. 

Lots of the temple and palaces used to built at the top of the hills which let them to see any of the troops going to attack and it is also safe and can plan till they reach top.

There is museum too to collect information and there are so many things to see. 

Patan Durbar Square

Patan Durbar square which is situated at the centre of the city of lalitpur and well Patan is also one of the oldest city which has named 'Yala' . Yala is Yalamber which is soldiers and it is also said that Yalamber used to rule there. It is also one of the three Durbar square which are UNESCO WORLD heritage sites. It's one of the beautiful heritage where lots of the temples are available. But sadly lots of the temples are collapse by 2015 April 25th earthquake, which brought so many problems in nepal and made so many mothers to cry and Patan is one of them which got hit by earthquake. But still it's beauty attract people. Well is also said that 'Ashoka' king of India came in search of Buddha with his daughter found Patan the most beautiful city and decided to made a pillar in its border. We can still find them.

Monday 28 December 2015

Kalinchowk, Dolakha

I took bus from buspark at 6 am then I went to dolakha charikot. It took like 6 hours on bus to reach there, then from charikot we walked to kuri it took 6 and half hour to reach there,,god I was never that cold ever.. That was best hike ever we stayed there at night then early morning we start our walk again. After 2 hours walking we reach Kalinchowk height.. Well if anyone thinking about hiking here this is one of the most beautiful place to hike. Food and hotel are easily available here.. People here are friendly.. But don't forget to bring warm cloth cause it's important thing to remember.. Don't worry about other things.. Enjoy and I too enjoyed 

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Fisherman @ Janakpur

He is a poorman and he catch fish for his family and to sell and get some money to take care of family to send his children to school... It was clicked at janakpur. Janakpur is also one of the oldest temple in Nepal.. And also is one of the world heritage site. Beautiful with so many temples. 

This man is a hard working guy. He uses a tire of a bus to float and a hand made cloth to catch fish. His life is too hard ... His work won't make all happy but still in a hope he is working hard ... To fulfill all the small needs. 

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Fewa lake , Pokhara

Phewa Lake, is a second largest lake in Gandaki zone followed by begnas lake which is situated at Pokhara.. In this lake you can boat and swim and middle of it there is a temple. The temple is also one of the major attraction name Tal Barahi. This was my first experience and I boat there and swim to... We can also see the reflection of mount Machhapuchhre and other mountain peaks of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges on its surface.. This is one of the part at Pokhara but there is lots of the things to do like paragliding... Hiking and cycling.. It's too clean and beautiful place in Nepal as comparison to Kathmandu. There is lots of cave and lots of lake and water fall it's so popular for lake and cave ... Pokhara is one of the beauty place which make people to travel again and again where phewa lake also one of the most attractive part which attract tourist and it's north part is commenly called lake side where resturent hotels bars catering for tourist. Phewa lake also used to generate electricity. The Phewa Power House is located about 1.5 km from the southern part of the Phewa lake. Phewa lake is also popular for fish. Mostly people near to Phewa lake catches fish for seeling of own use. 

Monday 21 December 2015

Thakali dish @ Pokhara

Dal vhat is the most popular dish in Nepal. It is consumed by every family twice a day. One morning and one meal at night. But if we talk about Thakali it is mostly used on Himalayan region with many items like ghee,meat,dal,rice,and many different pickle. 

As we see our history the people of Thak-khola used to have that meal and known as Thakali people. Thakali is only one dish that comes with many items and people of inside Nepal from terai and hilly loves that dish while travelling and also loved by foreign people of different country. This attract people because of it's lovely service that come with many iteams. Dish are so attractive and comes with their iteams and also a old dish used by ancester.  

This was used only on Himalayan region but now a days it's an attraction of people and used anywhere. I had it on pokhara. This was so good dish that I ever had. I was at Pokhara for my trip and one of my friend told to have Thakali dish. Good service and tasty dish. Well this was one of the memory of my trip. The people use slightly different words that people of Kathmandu. When they serve me first I was like oh so big plate but then I saw there were lots of things in it. Well this makes me to travel again. Later I know this can serve with so many pickle and vegetables and meat and papadum..If one day you travel there have it believe me you'll love it..  Thakali is only one of the main dish that comes with meat (as preferred like goat chicken or beef) and pickle with many things like potato pickle, tomato pickle, or radish pickle. 

Sunday 20 December 2015

Tokha Chandeshwori Temple

On the north of the Kathmandu Valley this temple of Chandeshwori at Tokha in a small newar community is like the Chandeshwori Temple at Banepa which is located inside the forest with beautiful view. The forest itself is situated on a hill named Mrigendra Parvata which is of tall trees. This is also the location of another temple i.e. Chandeshwor Mahadev, of which Chandeshwori is considered as Shakti. For sapan tirtha mostly women worship here.

At the right side of temple there is a statue of god Kali.

                                                                       God Kali 

Saturday 19 December 2015

Sinduli, viman

Me while searching for fish... This was one of the memorial trip of mine that helps me to know so many people with so many traditional and occasion. Well this place was so hot. But I found so many things here that makes me to travel again. People mostly cook in hand made 'Chulo' -stove made from mud and was so tasty. I love to have the fish that I catch .. It was my 2 days trip where I had so many  fun

This was the first time that I catch fish in my life with the help of stone. This place is beautiful with different people and different culture. 

Friday 18 December 2015

Chitwan national park

This is me and my friend at Chitwan National Park. The Chitwan National Park is a world heritage property where lots of the animals are kept and can seen by jeep safari or elephant safari.. Well I did elephant safari that was so great experience.. Deer, rhino, and different kinds of birds are easily seen.. And if there is luck then you might seen tigers too.. I didn't see tiger but I saw so many animals not like kept in zoo.. And there is museum too where we can see a baby rhino crocodile, Snakes, beetles, and eggs of different birds. Hotels are easily available and food transportion are also easily available here. Just go to new buspark and catch bus or small jeep it might took 5 hours to reach chitwan..

Thursday 17 December 2015

People in Mustang : Horse ride

Yes, Pottery Wow !!

Yes, He makes sculptures !

Wood carving at Bhaktapur

Wood carving is both an art and an age tradition in the nepali society. For ages, wood carving in Nepal has been associated with civilization. Sculptures known as 'sikarmi' are involved  in the profession of wood carving. So, wood carving is not just an expression of art but also a way of income of many people. People, mainly residents of bhaktapur and lalitpur are involved in the wood carving.The tradition of wood carving is also related to religious monuments in Nepal. Since, the Kathmandu valley is itself known as the city of temples, it boasts a number of greatly designed temples where wood is an important part. The temples have modern pillars and doors sculpted with fine art. 

A note worthy specimen of wood carving can be noted in the tudals ( the carving on wood of hindu gods and goddesses with erotic positions attached to the roofs in a slanted way) it is believed that placing of such tudals in the temples averts lightening and thus lightening cannot destroy the temple

Another fine example of wood carving is the 'Akhijhyal'. The 'Akhijhyal' is a wooden window with many square opening beautifully sculpted. There are also major attraction of many temples in the valley as well as some traditionally built residents also keep 'Ankhijhyal' for decorative purposes along with sculpted heavy wooden doors. Many temples also have huge wooden statues of gods, goddesses, animals etc all sculpted and carved by hands 
Hence, wood carving has an important place in the Nepali culture in many ways. Wood carving is an art which requires great deal of hard work, knowledge and patience. For a single carving to be completes it takes an important and notable time and dedication. For that very reason the tradition of wood carving has been confined to the very few sculptors in the valley who have taken up wood carving as their heredity profession and have been practicing it from the times of their great grand parents. Though, wood carving practice is limited but it does have a significant role in our civilization and tradition and for that reason it needs a good promotion more than ever. 

Jumping Around ;) Yes it's Manish.

Well jumping over and over again with happiness, yes happiness by travelling. I love travelling to different places and know different people with their living style, dress, tradition, culture and love to capture those time those memory on my camera. Most of the people love to travel and they had fun but for me it's like travelling to different place is like taking all the benefits and knowledge of the place people and so on. Well not only taking pics but I also love to gain many historical things that our ancestor did like temples, palace, different Gumbas etc. I'll post as many as I can and show you people about Nepal. How does it look.? How people celebrate dance, sing a song, everything. 

With Dad on Dashain Festival :)

With Dearest Mom

"Mo: Mo" Nepali Dumplings

Rice : Dal Bhat

Mt Everest

Mt. Everest is the highest peak. With the height of 8848 m it is the "tallest land" on earth. It is very popular among the mountain climbers around the world. People from all part of world come to visit this extraordinary beauty of the nature. Some people just view the beauty whereas some claim their name in successfully climbing the peak and be the person to reach the tallest part of world.

Buddha Statue

Well  simply Buddha is known as the light of Asia and also know as Siddartha Gautam, Shakyamuni. Gautam Buddha was born in Nepal, lumbini. When he born he was taken to 'Rishi Muni'  where they said  your son will be a great soldier or will be in jungle leaving everything after hearing all those words from Rishi Muni. Father of Buddha 'king  Suddhodan Tharu' gave all the facility to him so he might not get any worries about how people died and why they are rich and poor. There where 3 palaces for  seasonal occupation built for him. At the age of 16 he got married to 'Yasodhara'. At the age of 29 he left the palace to reach his goal or subject. After a reputed 49 days of meditation he attained Enlightenment at the age of 35.

Life as Farmer

Life of farmer is like spending maximum time at field by ploughing it using bulls. They are the only one by whom we geet rice. This iron plough with bull was a tradition one which is still used in village. Technology has come so fast that people mostly use modern ploughing machine. Using bulls is a hard as take long time. Many people cultivate rice to survive. About 80% of people are involved in agriculture as we know Nepal is one of the poorest country in Asia. Day to day farmer are getting less and less because of less opportunity and money. They are financially weak and what they want is to send their kids to school and fulfill need. Because of financial problem they are getting less in number and involving in other work. If there won't be a farmer then we can't even imagine our life. The food like rice,dal,maize and so many are producted by farmer. Farmer have so many problems like some year they won't get water as they need and some year flood. Farmer god is Indra. As Indra is known god of water. They worship and ask for water. 

A ploughed field