Tuesday 29 December 2015

Changu Narayan, Bhaktapur


Changu narayan temple itself is in the top of the valley Changu. This temple is one of the oldest and one of the world heritage site.

Mandev was a very powerful, good administrator and a brave man. He crushed his rebellous loords.
 From koshi in the east across the kaligandaki in the west and Himalayas in the north was extended by his territory

 Nepal developed in trade and industry. He was a devotee of Vishnu but he also respect Buddhism. He made severals temple, vihars and chaityas in his life. He built the temple of Changu Narayan in Bhaktapur. 

Lots of the temple and palaces used to built at the top of the hills which let them to see any of the troops going to attack and it is also safe and can plan till they reach top.

There is museum too to collect information and there are so many things to see. 

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