Thursday 17 December 2015

Yes, He makes sculptures !

Wood carving at Bhaktapur

Wood carving is both an art and an age tradition in the nepali society. For ages, wood carving in Nepal has been associated with civilization. Sculptures known as 'sikarmi' are involved  in the profession of wood carving. So, wood carving is not just an expression of art but also a way of income of many people. People, mainly residents of bhaktapur and lalitpur are involved in the wood carving.The tradition of wood carving is also related to religious monuments in Nepal. Since, the Kathmandu valley is itself known as the city of temples, it boasts a number of greatly designed temples where wood is an important part. The temples have modern pillars and doors sculpted with fine art. 

A note worthy specimen of wood carving can be noted in the tudals ( the carving on wood of hindu gods and goddesses with erotic positions attached to the roofs in a slanted way) it is believed that placing of such tudals in the temples averts lightening and thus lightening cannot destroy the temple

Another fine example of wood carving is the 'Akhijhyal'. The 'Akhijhyal' is a wooden window with many square opening beautifully sculpted. There are also major attraction of many temples in the valley as well as some traditionally built residents also keep 'Ankhijhyal' for decorative purposes along with sculpted heavy wooden doors. Many temples also have huge wooden statues of gods, goddesses, animals etc all sculpted and carved by hands 
Hence, wood carving has an important place in the Nepali culture in many ways. Wood carving is an art which requires great deal of hard work, knowledge and patience. For a single carving to be completes it takes an important and notable time and dedication. For that very reason the tradition of wood carving has been confined to the very few sculptors in the valley who have taken up wood carving as their heredity profession and have been practicing it from the times of their great grand parents. Though, wood carving practice is limited but it does have a significant role in our civilization and tradition and for that reason it needs a good promotion more than ever. 

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